Warhammer 40,000 - Primaris Lieutenant with Storm Shield

For Warhammer Day 2021 Games Workshop released two miniatures; Vampire Lord Anasta Malkorion and a Primaris Lieutenant with Storm Shield. As I quite liked the look of both of them, I grabbed them both. And both have sat unopened on my shelf since they arrived. So with my commitment this year to clearing some of the backlog I have I decided to make a start on some of them. So with that in mind, I broke out the Primaris Lieutenant and started assembling him. For ease of painting I left the head and shield separate before priming them all black.

As with all the Primaris releases I’m going to paint him up as a Space Wolf, so I loaded up the airbrush with some Fenrisian Grey and set to applying a nice even basecoat.  

With the armour done I could move onto the rest of the base colours. As it’s the deepest detail I painted the tabard with Army Painter Skeleton Bone. I also used this colour to pick out the various skulls and parchment that adorn all Warhammer miniatures. Next I used Mournfang Brown to pick out all the leather details like the holster and the belt. For some accent colours I painted his right pauldron and left knee with Vallejo Heavey Goldbrown, then his left pauldron and the inner part of the shield with Vallejo Scarlet Red. I painted some Corvus Black on the back of the shield, the sword and shield handles with Screamer Pink and the purity seals wax with Mephiston Red. For the metallics I painted the silver details, such as the sword blade and pistol handle, with Leadbelcher and all the gold details, such as the Iron Halo and aquila on his chest, with Scale75 Dwarven Gold. The box hanging from his belt I painted with Vallejo Hammered Copper. To finish off the basecoats I painted his face with a few thin coats of Cadian Fleshtone and his hair with Corvus Black. 

For washes the gold, leather, bone, and parchment I washed with a coat of Army Painter Strong Tone. The hair, silver details, and weapon handles I washed with Nuln Oil. And finally his face I washed with Reikland Fleshshade. As with the Hellblasters, to really make that power armour pop I ran a line of Nuln Oil into all the recesses. As he is bedecked in religious gubbins, this thankfully didn’t take as long as it does on normal Primaris marines. 

I didn’t do much in the way of layering and highlights on the main body. I layered on the skulls and parchment with Army Painter Skeleton Bone, then highlighted the armour with Vallejo Wolf Grey and the holster with Skrag Brown. For his head however, I highlighted the hair with Mechanicus Standard Grey. The face, I first layered with Cadian Fleshtone and highlighted with Kislev Flesh. I then very carefully painted Screamer Pink in his mouth and even more carefully painted a line of Army Painter Skeleton Bone on his teeth. To finish off the head I dotted his service studs with Leadbelcher. 

I did the base the same way that I do all of my Primaris Space Wolves. That is to say, I spread some Stirland Mud texture paint all over the base. Once that was dry I washed it with Army Painter Strong Tone, and once that was dry I then drybrushed the base with Tyrant Skull. With that done, I added a patch of snow with some Valhallan Blizzard texture paint and a patch of rocky grass with some Geek Gaming Scenics Base Ready Patchy Plains. The very last thing I needed to do was to paint the rim of the base with some Steel Legion Drab and he was ready to join the ranks of my growing Primaris Space Wolves army. 

I really like these Bladeguard models, I would be tempted to get some more of them if they weren’t thirty pounds for three Bladeguard veterans. Games Workshop’s stuff is expensive but ten pounds a bloke is pretty excessive. 


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