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Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition) - Hunting Horors, Deep Ones, and Child and Priest of Dagon

With the Blightkings finally done I decided to press on and try and finish Mansions of Madness enemies. To that end, I primed the four Deep Ones, the two Hunting Horrors as well as the Child and Priest of Dagon. These all ended up being super quick paint jobs, so without further ado let’s dive right in. 

For the Hunting Horrors I base coated the majority of the body with Caliban Green, only leaving the membranes on the wings and the inside of the mouth unpainted. Those areas were then painted with Cadian Fleshtone.The eyes I picked out with Evil Sunz Scarlet, the tongue with Screamer Pink and the fangs with Army Painter Skeleton Bone. 

The Deep Ones were no less quick to paint, as I base coated the entire model bar the mouth with Sotek Green, which is more blue than anything else to be honest. The inside of the mouth I painted with Screamer Pink and the needle-like teeth I painted with Army Painter Skeleton Bone. Finally, I picked out the eye with some Vallejo Scrofulous Brown that I happened to have on my pallet. I could have used an actual yellow, but I was just lazy. Afterall, the paint rack was way on the other side of the room.

For the skin of the Child of Dagon I went with Two Thin Coats Griffon Claw as it’s a nice pallid and decaying colour. For his clothes, I painted his shorts with Vallejo Dark Sea Grey and his vest with Vallejo German Camouflage Medium Brown. These are both air paints so that showed some of the grey primer underneath, which I think worked quite well. The shovel (or gardening hoe, I’m not sure) I painted the head with Leadbelcher and the shaft with Dryad Bark. To finish him off I painted his eyes with some Pallid Wych Flesh. 

Last but not least there is the Priest of Dagon, who I painted in a similar scheme to the Cultists. So, I painted his robes with a couple of thin coats of Corvus Black then added some Mephiston Red as an accent colour. As he is the high priest, I gave him gold detailing with Scale75 Dwarven Gold, including the top of his staff. The pole of which I painted with Dryad Bark. His skin I painted with a few thin coats of Kislev Flesh. 

With the base colours done, I put them all onto a base with a bit of paper between them and said base to catch any spillages. Then I gave them all a head to webbed-toe dousing with Nuln Oil. 

With these guys done, I just needed to do the enormous Star Child models. Not sure how I’m going to prime them let alone paint them. But that’s a problem for another day. For now, I’m happy to have gotten another eight miniatures done in no time at all. 

Boardgame miniatures left to paint: 580

Boardgame miniatures painted this year: 186